
The Wedding of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin: a Documentary

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The Wedding of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin: a Documentary

A special presentation in honor of the anniversary of the wedding of the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin on the 14th of Kislev, 5689 (1928), in Warsaw, Poland.
Kislev 14, Lubavitcher Rebbe

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cmd December 10, 2024

Is this documentary available with subtitles? I would like to show it to my students but much of it is hard to understand. Reply

Chabad.org Staff December 11, 2024
in response to cmd:

There are subtitles in most of this clip. Reply

Danny Nassimi London December 29, 2022

In this video the Rebbe of blessed memory quotes the Tanya, 'Love being the source of all the positive commandments and fear being the source of all the negative commandments'. Which if it is translated accurately here one could understand as meaning Hashem's Love for the Jewish people being the source of all the positive commandments and Hashem's Fear for the Jewish people being the source of all the negative commandments. Hashem loves us and He also fears for us. Is that a correct understanding? One has to be very careful with these interpretations. What would you say please? Reply

Eliezer Zalmanov for Chabad.org January 3, 2023
in response to Danny Nassimi:

It is referring to the commandments for US to love and fear G-d, not for Him to love and fear us. Reply

Danny Nassimi London January 6, 2023
in response to Eliezer Zalmanov:

Not to fear us G-d forbid! But to fear for us. To clarify. There is a repricosity. We should love and fear G-d. In the context of the teachings of the Rebbe z''l we should love to do the positive mitzvot and fear to transgress the negative. Because Hashem has created us with free will, He now fears so to speak that we might not live by His Torah and transgress His laws and decrees. That is evident from Bereishit. It says that G-d initially created the world with the Mida of Strict Justice. But when He saw that the world wouldn't survive because He created us with free will to choose right from wrong, with the potential to sin (He feared for us) and so He added the Mida of Mercy. Reply

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