
“She Speaks with Wisdom”

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“She Speaks with Wisdom”

The Sages say: “Who is a worthy wife? One who does the will of her husband.” Chassidism explains that the Hebrew word, ‘Oseh – does’ also means ‘creates.’ Therefore, “Who is a worthy wife? One who creates the will of her husband.”
Women, Femininity & Feminism, Lubavitcher Rebbe
“She Speaks with Wisdom”
Disc 84, Program 333

Event Date: 11 Nissan 5732 - March 26, 1972

The Sages say: “Who is a worthy wife? One who does the will of her husband.” Chassidism explains that the Hebrew word, ‘Oseh – does’ also means ‘creates.’ Therefore, “Who is a worthy wife? One who creates the will of her husband.”

If for example, she observes that her mate is so preoccupied with earning a livelihood, that he starts to imagine that “my own strength and skill brought me my success,” then “She creates the will of her husband” – she evokes in him a new ‘will,’ a new reality, helping him to recognize that G-d is both Creator and Master of the world.

This role of the Jewish woman was already evident in Egypt. The Midrash explains that the Jewish men in Egypt were lacking in faith. It was the Jewish women’s faith that inspired them and made them worthy of Redemption.

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