
Faithful and Fortified

Israel's Defense and Intelligence

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Faithful and Fortified: Israel's Defense and Intelligence

The inside story of the Rebbe’s involvement in Israel’s security, as told by its defense and government leaders.
Lubavitcher Rebbe, Israel Defense Force, Arab-Israeli Conflict

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JF May 17, 2024

Amen! Amen! Amen! Baruch Hashem, blessed be He, to continue protecting those brave IDF members and our Jews in the land of Israel from our and His enemies.

It must have been so difficult for the Rebbe to have the knowedge he did, from Hashem, blessed be He, that those in Israel who could though wouldn't listen to and embrace. We're answerable to G-d, not man. Our mission is perfecting the world for the Aibishter, Blessed be He, thereby bringing Moshiach for the betterment of the world.

No compromises.
No asking permission from others who have nothing to say.
No debates.
No being beholden to any nation.
Israel is our land from G-d.
No explanations since it's both fact and truth.
No apologies for G-d's choice. Reply

Neil New York December 18, 2020

Thank you so much. Shabbat shalom. Reply

Anonymous July 6, 2016

HaShem bless Reply

Mr. Jonathan Kahura via chabadnz.org October 27, 2010

Amazing... Was nice to see a brief glimpse of Golda Meyer...and the respect this man has is so overwhelmingly powerful and a voice to reckon with. He is right to say Israel should make her own decisions rather than wait for american permission.
Great vid clip. Reply

Yehudit Bulgaria December 1, 2009

right A Jew has not the right to kill a Jew for no reason - even for the idea of survival. Reply

Michal Evenari Passau, Germany November 25, 2009

The Rebbe stands at Israels side I am deeply impressed by everything the Rebbe knew tens of years before it happened in reality. He is unwavering in what he thinks and knows. He seems to be a prophet. I have never seen something like that.

A pity that I will not be able to stand once in front of him.
But in Olam Habah I will see him and I would like that I could get one of the smiles he gave to all who spoke with him.

I did not know anything about him, did not know he exists at all. And never did I know that there existed such a great Rav in USA
who stood at Israel's side.

But what I love most about him, is the fact, that for him not only the observant Jews counted, but all Jews were G-d's children.
