
Enduring Prophecies

The Talmud on the Megillah, Lesson 30

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Enduring Prophecies: The Talmud on the Megillah, Lesson 30

The extraordinary spiritual awakening catalyzed by Haman’s Royal Ringing was juxtaposed with the tepid response to the plethora of Prophetic pleading we were privileged to receive. The number of male prophets presented was 48. Here, the Talmud returns to examine that original statement with proof that this number is woefully inaccurate. To clarify the seeming discrepancy, our Sages draw a sharp line between differing dimensions of prophecy; with the smaller number said to specifically represent the enduring Prophecies of Posterity! (Tractate Megillah 14a)
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Talmud, Scroll of Esther, Prophecy, Megillah

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