
How to Reframe to a More Positive Mindset

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How to Reframe to a More Positive Mindset

Thought, Power of; Positive Thinking

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John California May 11, 2019

In our home, we have commonly commented on "there are always 2 ways of saying anything; a positive and a negative." I've become increasingly aware of this in our (American) society choosing to speak and think negatively. It is the drama of TV, and so contrary to what we need. Thank you for these good words. Love finding your vlog. Shalom Reply

Chana Weisberg for Chabad.org May 12, 2019
in response to John:

Thanks for your insightful comment and kind words! Greatly appreciated. Reply

Anonymous May 8, 2019

I've exercised my reframing skill so often that I can do it intuitively whenever a negative thought arises, which is more often than I'd like to admit. But I worry that the more I rely on reframing to make things appear better, the more I might actually be rationalizing away my problems instead of doing something about them. And then I don't know what the right course of action is. Reply

Chana Weisberg May 8, 2019
in response to Anonymous:

That's a very insightful comment. It takes wisdom to know the difference between what we can change and accepting what we cannot--and for many of us that is a difficult distinction. There's no point in worry (watch a video coming soon...) but what we can do is keep working on trying to improve the situation for the future, while accepting and reframing what we are currently (or previously) living through. Don't stop working to improve your situation, even while you appreciate the benefit in all that you do have. I hope this helps. Reply