
How to Break—Or Make—Someone

Parshat Tazriah-Metzorah

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How to Break—Or Make—Someone: Parshat Tazriah-Metzorah

Words are empowering. Words encourage us to reach unbelievable goals. But words can also destroy. What will your words do?
Speech; Communication, Tazria-Metzora, Tazria, Negative Speech

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Anonymous Los Angeles April 19, 2020

beautiful video! Reply

Anonymous flushing July 20, 2017

what do i do now???
i've murdered so many with my words!
i am sorry, i regret it, i am ashamed, i don't want to do it again but i have broken all my vows and prommesses to stop.
am i dummed to alzeimers that takes away memory and speech and leaves the essential anger of those hideous souls Reply

Lydia St Catharines, Ontario, Canada April 26, 2017

Thank you Chana, for this short video. I must admit it moved me quite a bit. It made me aware of the fact that I have to be careful of what I say.
Thank you for sharing this; you've given me food for thought. Reply

Chaya April 25, 2017

So true! Reply

Vishal Nair Mumbai April 25, 2017

Thank you so much. Reply

Mrs. Chana Weisberg April 24, 2017

Dear Susan You make a good point. This was not meant for abusive or extreme situations, like you describe. Reply

Susan Levitsky April 23, 2017

When I was young this little verse was in vogue; Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never harm me. Even when I was in kindergarten I knew it was a stupid idea. Names can harm a person, sometimes more than physical injuries.
On the other hand, not calling someone cruel, when they are, is ignoring a larger problem. Psychologists would say that their actions are cruel not the person. That denial of the truth about a spouse who is constantly abusing his family with his cruel acts and words puts people in danger and makes the victim feel responsible. Some people are simply evil and deserve to be defined. Reply

Divine Chacko Chennai ,India April 23, 2017

Very True Reply

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