
How to Avoid Anger

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How to Avoid Anger

My scary drive in a car that was overheating.
Automobile & Driving, Anger

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Michael Abrahams Tiburon, California February 14, 2023

Wonderful series. When will Season 2 be announced? Reply

Jack katz NY August 25, 2016

Anger is a letter short of danger but there are exceptions Hermann Hoss who ran Aushwitz from an armchair in his office near the gas chambers is probably the world's most notorious mass murderer in that he alone was responsible for the murders of between 1.1 - 1.3 million Jews. There is no evidence whatsoever that he ever assaulted struck or murdered anyone. He was unemotional about his work and according to testimony at the Nuremberg trials simply ordinary and methodical like a grocery store clerk. Reply

Fruma Klass Delray Beach, FL August 25, 2016

Killing without anger

When we call in an exterminator to get rid of rats or cockroaches, are we angry at them? The killers of the holocaust were not angry. They simply performed exterminations. They didn't think of us as people. Reply

JDV August 24, 2016

overheated vehicle So many people have no channel for their anger. This can cause terrible problems later on. You've first got to recognize that anger is a part of life and find healthful alternatives to deal with it. So important. Reply

Anonymous August 24, 2016

Without anger we cannot run .
With anger we can .

All my pain and suffering came when I was not running .

All my pain and suffering cane when u did not fight back . Reply

Rabbi Wineberg August 22, 2016

How Anger Destroys A British diplomat was sent to try to gauge, "Who is this Hitler?"

He wrote back – "he is driven by anger."

Can it be?

Did anger kill my great-grandmother and 6,000,000 other innocent Jews, embroiling a world-war, senselessly causing the slaughter of 60,000,000?!


Do you have any anger? – For if you rid yourself not of any resentment – how much poison does it actually take to poison a soup/heart? Reply

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