
Moshiach’s Meal

The eighth day of Passover

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Moshiach's Meal: The eighth day of Passover

On the final day of Passover (Acharon Shel Pesach), there is a custom to partake of a festive celebration known as Moshiach’s Seudah (the meal of Moshiach). What is the source and meaning of this custom, and what is its connection to the final redemption that will come about through Moshiach?
Festivals, Moshiach and the Future Redemption, Passover, Moshiach's Meal, Acharon shel Pesach

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Drew California April 21, 2022

Timeless content. Our family will be in Malibu with Rabbi Cunin for the meal this Shabbos.

BH! Reply

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn ny April 24, 2024
in response to Drew :

May you have a happy and kosher Passover! Reply

Anonymous Petach Tikva April 16, 2017

Those of us in Israel do this at the end of the seventh day.... Reply

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts. Ny April 28, 2016

Moshiach Meal Fruma Malka,
The Moshiach is in you! And you can unleash it by participating in a Moshiach meal near you. Reply

Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin Brooklyn heights April 10, 2013

passover texts Dear Matityahu,

Start with these texts, Passover is found in exodus chap.12. The haftorah for the final day of Passover is: Isaiah chap. 11,12.

blessing and success. Reply

Fruma Malka Florida April 4, 2013

SEUDA MOSHIACH Rabbi, I am watching a small seed grow into the mightiest of oaks. If anyone can inspire us all to follow the mitsvahs and bring down the Moshiach it is YOU. Reply

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts April 24, 2024
in response to Fruma Malka:

Thank you for your kind words!
May Hashem bless you with joy, success and true freedom! Reply

Yochanan Eliezer Ben Mirium Greater New York City Area April 2, 2013

Very inspirational! Thank you! Baruch Hashem! Reply

Menachem Kovacs BALTIMORE March 31, 2013

Rabbi Aaron Raskin Excellent! Most informative! Thank you! Reply

Raphael Ben Avraham Atlanta, GA March 30, 2013

Moshiach, Matzoh, and Wine (MMW) On the Shabbos we eat bread which is leavened - Challah. What does this mean? It means we draw our sustainence from the process of creation as the Challah represents the creation. On the Shabbos we drink the wine. What does this mean? It means the Shabbos is the source of our emotions being a day that we return to Hashem.

How then is this different with the Moshiach's meal? We eat Matzoh. Why Matzoh? Matzoh is flat and tasteless. This represents a time when the process of creation ceases (ie. a day of Hashem rest). So the breaking of the Matzoh represents the separation of creation and the ceasing of the creation process. The dryness and blandness of the Matzoh represents the darkness and chaos of a day missing Hashems' creative energies. In fact the whole universe becomes like the matzoh FLAT!

Then we drink of the wine once again but add an additional glass. Why? It is to draw out additional emotion to our prayer that Hashem should rise up thru the Moshiah. Reply

Anonymous Arizona, USA March 29, 2013

Moshiach's Meal Thank you Rabbi Raskin for this teaching. It was of great help to me as I learn the truth of Torah and Mitzvot. I live alone, but with the help of my King of King, I do not feel completely alone. His presence is overwhelming. I am trying to follow through. I hope you and your dear family have a great Passover meal, and joyous day. Reply

matityahu birnberg beer sheva March 25, 2013

Passover in Torah:Please list passages including sources of Passover texts in Torah Reply