
Retelling the Exodus from Egypt

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Retelling the Exodus from Egypt

On Seder night, we are obligated to tell over at length the story of the Exodus (as described in the in the section of Maggid in the Passover haggadah). How is this mitzvah different than the daily remembrance?
Retelling the Exodus  
Sefer HaMitzvot, Haggadah, Maggid, Passover

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1 Comment
Yonatan ROCHESTER, NY April 3, 2014

I appreciate your video about the Pesach story very much. I'm a convert for many years, but have never experienced a Seder for myself. Being single, most people will not necessarily invite someone to their home for Pesach. These videos are important, because for those who may not be as acquainted with these customs and holiday rituals, it's a learning tool. Thank you for sharing this with us. Reply

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