
Ma-Nishtana: What Is So Different?

The Four Questions on Five levels

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Ma-Nishtana: What Is So Different?: The Four Questions on Five levels

At the Passover Seder we ask four questions on why this night is different. Learn the deeper meaning to these questions.
Passover, Four Questions

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DIane Flushing April 27, 2016

HI Rabbi Raskin! I am a little confused Can you please answer this question clearly for me?
When am I permitted to eat chametz again? Is it at night of 22 Nissan? (Which is the night after Passover ends on the 21st?) Or may we eat it on the night of 21st? I think I stopped eating chametz too early, interpreting the words to mean we were to stop two hours before the time Passover would start but on the day before the holiday began. (I am yearning for a heaping bowl of creamy garlicky oniony dal with air-popped corn on the side! Yummy!) I hope you are enjoying the holiday. Reply

Rabbi A.Raskin Bklyn hts ny March 22, 2015

I loved him This is a quote from Hosea 11:1

Happy and kosher Passover Reply

Tzipi Glick March 20, 2015

This is a fantastic shiur. So much to absorb. thank you and yashar koach.
One small question. Please repeat the verse in Hebrew פסוק בעברית that says Israel is like a child and Imlice him. I didn't catch the words.
Thank you Reply

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