
Vicarious Trauma

Jewish Identity Among British Jews

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Vicarious Trauma: Jewish Identity Among British Jews

A qualitative study on Jewish identity in contemporary Britain concludes that Jews of all backgrounds relate to the idea of being persecuted. Can this self-concept be positively channeled?
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Jewish History, Antisemitism, Jewishness; Jewish Identity

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Anonymous Kingston June 15, 2014

Main Event in Recent Jewish History Of course the Holocaust has an impact on Jews. Unlike the Exodus, unlike the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, the evidence is unambiguous and relatively fresh. It still is impossible to reconcile the portrait of Gd in the Siddur (Ezrat Avoteinu...) with the known facts. Gd has lost credibility.

I don't believe the founding of the modern State of Israel is the main event of recent Jewish history. It will eventually prove to have been a type of voluntary concentration camp. Iran will launch its missiles because the United States, Europe, Russia, and China don't care or actively want Jews destroyed in large numbers. When Israel is wiped out, there will be pockets of Jews in New York City, Montreal, etc. Israel will continue to "survive"...no thanks to Gd. Reply

Anonymous Dumfries, VA/USA August 2, 2012

Vicarious Trauma I was born 10 years after the end of WWII. Roughly 75% of my family was murdered. Everything Christina Fuhr said seemed to be accurate according to my lived experience. Not long ago I was interviewed as a minority by one of my colleagues. She was training to become a counselor. I found that ultimately, everything we discussed came back to the Holocaust. Reply

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