
What Did Maimonides Say About Islam?

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What Did Maimonides Say About Islam?

What is the status of an individual forcibly converted to Islam according to Maimonides?
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Jewish History, Maimonides, Islam

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Ibn Waheed July 19, 2024

There is no "wa" in the Islamic testament of faith. We do not say wa Muhammad. We say la ilaha illallah, Muhammad Rasoolullah. There is no "and". Additionally it is a fundamental understanding in Islam that Jews are not considered polytheists by any Muslim sects.
While there are theological differences and more recently political differences between Muslims and Jews, we have always been taught that Jews are people of the book to the extent that we eat kosher and can marry Jews. While there are many Islamic scholars that consider modern day Christians polytheists, we don't say the same thing about Jews. Regarding Arabs previously being idol worshipers, the same can be said about Jews who while living with prophets such as Moses peace be upon him, have resorted to idolatry. No one should be judged by what there forefathers did but what they profess in their hearts. Reply

Marlon Bay Santa Fe, NM, USA December 9, 2023

Quite interesting. I too would like to correct the statement of Islamic shahadah mentioned towards the end. In Islam, the statement about the uniqueness and oneness of Allah and the one about the Messengership of Mohammed (pbuh) and not linked with a “wa” (and) but clearly distinct in their self-containment and are complementary only in the sense of Islamic creed, and not in the sharing of divinity as implied by the speaker. This understanding would be a cardinal sin and totally opposite of what Islam teaches about the Oneness and Uniqueness of God. It is also precisely what the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) taught about him being just a human being like others although a Prophet in the lineage of past Prophets such as Jesus, Moses and others.

Thank you for allowing this note to be posted on your website. Reply

Haroon Zaib Sweden March 30, 2023


Thank you for the interesting talk about Maimonides. Quite fascinating and Mr Fenton presented it in a highly accessible way!

However, if I could humbly ask for your attention in providing some feedback I would be very grateful. As a Muslim I would like to begin with pointing out that Muslims and Jews have the most important thing in common: the concept of God. In particular the affirmation that God has no partners or helpers. The Oneness of God is a matter that both Jew and Muslim can come together on. And it is my conviction that this forms an essential part of the basis for mutual understanding and respect.

To the point: the Kalima is always "La ilaha illallah Muhammad ur rasolullah". There is never a "wa" as a conjunction. It can be "Ashhaddu" as in the Shadah but "wa" there is used only to lead to the next testimony as in "wa ashaddu" as in "and I also testify that...".

I hope this clarifies. Thank you for all the good work!

Haroon Zaib Reply

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