
History vs. Memory

How We View Our Collective Past as Jews

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History vs. Memory: How We View Our Collective Past as Jews

A compelling argument for the case that Jewish education must portray our ancestors not as individuals who once lived, but as people who are alive today.
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Yizkor, Holocaust, History

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William E. Bauzweiger. MD Studio City, CA May 15, 2015

Remembrance through one's children Last night I had a wonderful dinner with my daughter Sheyna and her husband Benjamin, Ben-Zion as he is named. His father was with them. Seeing Sheyna reminded me of my entire life, the past generations and the future generations were suddenly at that table, having dinner with the three of us.

We all walk through the valley of death every minute of our lives and yet we keep walking towards the future with hope for that future. All of the generations travel through time with the rest of us. Reply

Amichai Schneller MN October 1, 2014

Chia, of Hiafa Cool post! And, you're never too old to anything.
G-d favors the brave.
:o) Reply

Asher Mexico, Distrito Federal September 24, 2013

I like to learn everyday!! Thanks for all of this.... Reply

Eva Franks Waxahachie, TX July 26, 2012

Memory Thank you Rabbi for your lecture. I wish I could get my great nieces and nephews to realize how important the family memories are - they are the glue that keeps us together, but they are not interested, so since I do not want to pass on nor have my father pass on without them knowing who we are (and especially my father who did so many acts of love and kindness), I have decided to write down every little event that I can think of that my father and mother of blessed memory participated in and give it to these children so they will know of our lives, memories, hope, and faith. Thank you for giving me the understanding of what I have to do and the courage to do it. Reply

Yael Petah Tikva, Israel October 18, 2011

Amazing shiur! One of the most beautiful shiurim I've ever heard! Reply

Robert Lehr Aventura, FL May 3, 2011

R. Bryski is a great man! I was sleepy and clicked on your lecture by accident. After 2 minutes I saw that this lecture was over 1 hour long!!! I'd listen to it a few more minutes, then go take a nap. Instead, you kept me listening for the entire time. Reply

Binah November 16, 2010

history vs memory An amazing lecture. I wept at the stories and reality he spoke of...the people, our people and our shared memories.
thank you so much! Reply

Anonymous Oak Park, MI November 15, 2010

Thank you Listened to this beautiful speech on my father's Yahrziet. He was also an Aushwitz survivor.Thanks for the Kugel! Reply


HISTORY VS MEMORY I am speechless. I am poor yes, but how can i be poor with my heart full of this beautiful knowledge? How can i prepare myself to talk to others about G-D? THANK YOU!!! Reply

Mr. Dean Levit October 25, 2010

The Finest This was the very finest lecture/story-telling I have ever heard in my life. I enjoy them all, but this one...there needs to be a hall of fame. I hope everyone that would be touched to their soul by this gets to see and/or hear it. Thank you so much Rabbi. It will stay in my memory. Reply

Linda Longueuil, quebec October 25, 2010

history vs. memory FANTASTIC, FANTASTIC, FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

T H A N K S!!!!! Reply

Chia Hiafa, Israel October 24, 2010

History vs. Memory Dear Rabbi Bryski
I migrated to Israel at age 75. Why did I wait so long? That I can't explain. I have finally come home after living in many parts of the USA where I always felt a little "odd.".

I am so grateful for your lecture about being connected to all the names in the Tenach. It is hard for me to relate to them. I think now it will be easier.
Thank you again for sharing your wisdom with me and giving me courage to be alive. Reply

Leah Lapidus Cleveland, OH October 22, 2010

I gave the tzedakah Inspired by your lecture, I gave tzedakah in memory of my mother - I hope it somehow lifts her up higher. Reply

Richard Raff October 21, 2010

History vs. Memory Rabbi Moshe Bryski i fear when i meet you in person to hear one of your lectures you will make me cry. Reply

Leah Lapidus Cleveland, OH October 21, 2010

Thank you (History vs. Memory) thank you so much. Beautiful lecture. Inspiring me to give more tzedakah (charity) in memory of my mother and to think more carefully into how I teach my kids. Thank you. Reply

Karin Zerlin Westlake Village, Ca. October 21, 2010

Zachor Rabbi Bryski, One could taste the memories of our rich heritage in your sensitive, emotive, speech- you exhibited our oral tradition and transmission in action! With gratitude, Reply

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