
Yizkor: Remembering Together

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Yizkor: Remembering Together

The value of community in times of grief as well as joy.
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Anonymous May 30, 2020

Thank you Rabbi. All the emotions came out but beyond words.
More blessings. Reply

Adonai's Anointed Pittsburgh October 12, 2016

Toda raba Reply

Margaret Mesa, Arizona, USA September 19, 2010

Yizkor Remembering Together Once again Rabbi Gurkow, you have touched our lives as I read all the other comments. Specially mine.

Sometimes one of our beloved friends my die speritually, even though still in a living body. We can tell by their behavior in life. And as we love and seek our G-d's presence, blessed be He, there is no other alternative in the physical, but to let go of them. Yet in our most inner self, in our heart, we mourn for the loved one. In such a case, spiritually, by praying, we need to ask the Eternal for His mercy in turning our hearts to him in the unity of His love.

This was a very touching story. Thank you Rabbi for your teachings. Reply

Cherry Brown Chicago, IL September 18, 2010

Yizcor Rabbi - thank you. If I could find a Rabbi as gentle, as modest and as sensible as you without becoming maudlin in my huge city I would go to Schul again. Shana Tova. Reply

lauren oceanside, ca via jewishoceanside.com September 18, 2010

remembering together thank you for this powerful lecture.

i laughed and cried in this ten minutes.

one of the most well articulated summary of yizkor i have ever heard. Reply

natalie allouhce madison, ms September 14, 2010

very nice Rabbi Lazer. Interesting story, very deep Reply

Kayo Tokyo, Japan September 14, 2010

Question I heard that for Yizkor service, only the people who lost their parents remain in the praying place and others have to leave. Can I mourn for a person who is not my parent nor blood relative, but whom I have strong attachment to in Yizkor service? Reply

Anonymous washougal, WA September 14, 2010

Thank You Very thoughtful program - thank you. Reply

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