
Synthesizing Solace

Torah Portion of Re’eh

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Synthesizing Solace: Torah Portion of Re’eh

There is comfort that comes from above, and comfort that comes from each person’s own heart. Each has a distinct advantage. Is there a way to have both?
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Haftarah, Seven of Consolation, Re'eh

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Anonymous River Falls, Alabana U.S.A. August 25, 2011

The Bess on The Solance in Seven Thank you Rabbi Kaplan,
Your lesson in "The Solace Seven "inspire me and open my heart To Lean and and listen to your message on The Jewish Faith!
I all so like The lesson on Isaiah 54:11-12 "You are a Great Teacher A job well done" ! G-d Bess You . Good Day To You . Reply

Carmen August 24, 2011

The synthesizing power of Tzures. Tzures seems to be the only way to forcibly harmonize all the conflicting and stubborn angels ( and not so angels)of our personalities in a whole unit capable of performing a genuine destiny.

At least in this moment,I don't see other thing than Tzures to perform such task. Reply

alina carr roselle park, nj August 4, 2010

solace thank you rabbi kaplan, your lessons inspire me. this one was an eye opener, receiving and application that's what i love about the jewish faith. Reply

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