
The Blind Rabbi’s Celebration

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The Blind Rabbi’s Celebration

Rabbi Yosef, the Talmud relates, would celebrate Shavuot, the Festival of the Giving of the Torah, with a unique banquet. The puzzling statement he said in connection with the feast is the subject of this class. Probing the layers of the Sage’s words reveals startling new depth to our appreciation of G-d’s most precious gift. (Based on Likutei Sichos volume 16)
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יתרו - ג, Yitro, Giving of the Torah, Shavuot

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This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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