
Parshah Mnemonics: Vayishlach

Decoding the hidden messages

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Parshah Mnemonics: Vayishlach: Decoding the hidden messages

The parshah of Vayishlach contains 154 verses and the mnemonic for it is the word ‘kelitah’ (which means to absorb). Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
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Joseph, Vayishlach

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Rob December 7, 2022

Very inspiring as always. Old wine and new wine…….thank Gd for shabbos. Reply

Tzipi Philadelphia December 14, 2016

Excellent shiur- beautiful how you tied in Parsha Tishrei Pirkei Avot etc. But of course the storage is One and everything is connected. Reply

Elisabeth Soros Calgary, Alberta Canada December 21, 2015

Thank You Rabbi Raskin!

Vayislach is my Birthday reading and of your Lecture is enlightened it as always, Reply

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts November 28, 2015

Thank you Dear Sylvia,
Thank you for your feedback. May you continue to enjoy
the study of our holy Torah and more importantly to
bring it into action by fulfilling the mitzvohs of G-d.
With blessings for success! Reply

S UK December 8, 2022
in response to Rabbi Raskin :

Amazing blessings, Rabbi Raskin, my studies continue seven years after posting on here. Thank you, for such beautiful guidance which enhances my welfare and wellbeing along with the welfare and wellbeing of all people who have contact with me. Reply

Sylvia U.K. November 28, 2015

Outreach Dear Rabbi,

The blessing of the ChaBaD teaching being available on the internet, I feel, is doing far greater work than can be humanly envisaged.

I am extremely grateful for this sharing of knowledge that enables me to read and understand the Torah in ways that would never have been possible without this guidance.

Thank you Reply

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