
Parshah Mnemonics: Naso

Decoding the hidden messages

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Parshah Mnemonics: Naso: Decoding the hidden messages

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Shavuot, Amos, Naso

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S UK June 12, 2016

Thank you Respectfully Rabbi,

The age of mankind has reduced since Adam and his sons. Adam living 930 years Gen 5:5 So Adam's Psalm would be Psalm 30. Question - were there originally more psalms written, or can we be reassured that there was simply 150 psalms written?

King Solomon wrote 1005 songs, 1 Kings 5:12, are these songs lost or simply not all of them written in the Tanakh?

Teshuvah (repentance) I have previously been taught that some sins are unforgivable. One sin was blood guilt - How does this apply when people are, or have been in the Armed Forces?

I would like to believe that, as you stated in this discussion, Teshuvah can be achieved by everyone, we simply need to seek HaShem with all our; heart, mind and soul through studying Torah, giving charity and respectful prayers at the appropriate time.

For myself, studying Torah with ChaBaD has enabled me to eradicate some teaching that have previously misguided me.

May HaShem continue to bless your work. Reply

mattie pil san francisco May 30, 2014

That was great.Loved it!!!!!! Reply

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