By the Grace of G‑d
16th of Adar I 5725 [February 18, 1965]
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Blessing and Greeting:

I was pleased to receive your letter of the 15th of Shevat, in which you write about the successful initial meeting on Taharas Hamishpocho, and the fruitful beginnings.

It is, of course, unnecessary to emphasize to you the paramount importance of this cause. Nor do I think that it would require a great deal of persuasion to convince the other participants in the meeting of the vital importance of Taharas Hamishpocho. Suffice it to say that even where a person may not be so meticulous insofar as he or she are concerned, yet there is no limit to the love and devotion of parents to their children, their readiness to spare no sacrifice for their benefit. Even if the observance of the laws and regulations of Taharas Hamishpocho entailed a certain effort or even sacrifice on the part of the parents, surely it would be done eagerly, knowing that in addition to the essential thing of the need of observing G‑d's commands for their own sake, these observances have a direct influence on children, and through them on grandchildren and soon. Of what account, therefore, is a temporary inconvenience or effort by comparison to the everlasting benefit in terms of good health, physical and spiritual, and true Nachas, etc. All the more so since the inconvenience or effort are smaller than imagined.

May G‑d grant that this vital activity of Taharas Hamishpocho in your community should grow and expand, bringing even more and more members and participants, and may the observance of this essential law and regulation stimulate also the general observance of the Torah and Mitzvos, where there is always room for improvement.

With blessing,