By the Grace of G‑d
13th of Nissan, 5737 [April 1, 1977]
Brooklyn, N. Y.

The Sisterhood and the Ladies Auxiliary of
Congregation Ahavath Zion
Maplewood, N. J.

Blessing and Greeting:

This is to acknowledge with sincere appreciation your thoughtfulness and good wishes in connection with my birthday.

I prayerfully reciprocate your good wishes by reiterating the Divine promise to our Father Abraham, "I (G‑d, the Source of all blessings) will bless them that bless you."

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Accordingly, may G‑d bestow His blessings on each and all of you, and yours, in a generous measure, materially and spiritually.

With all good wishes for a kosher and joyous Pesach, and with blessing,
M. Schneerson