

The Holy Cities of Israel

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Beer-Sheba: The Holy Cities of Israel

Beer-Sheba is a biblical city located in Southern Israel. Both Abraham and Isaac experienced landmark events there. Learn more about Beer-Sheba.
Beer Sheba, Israel

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Judith Graetz Georgia July 7, 2017

Very very lovely presentation of This city. Always can count on Chabad to do a first class job in anything they do. Reply

rd June 18, 2016

can you post the video without the melodramatic piano music please? it's hard to concentrate on what he is saying with that in the background. sorry. Reply

Irma Mendoza Jerusalem May 28, 2018
in response to rd:

The music is beautiful. Good choice of music. Many of my friends love how it does add drama to my ancient land. Try to concentrate to the soothing voice of the narrator. Lord bless you. Reply

Anonymous April 18, 2014

Very Interesting! I had never knew of the city, Beer-Sheba until recently. Coincidentally & unknowingly I had named my precious cat Bersheba. I've had her since she was a kitten which was three years ago & she's been a miracle in many ways. Reply

Ryan Frank Beer Sheva May 6, 2013

Beer Sheva I work for the US Army and I have been living in Beer Sheva for about a year now. I have to say it is a large difference from the US but I have really enjoyed it. There are a lot of really nice people here that (after you get to know them) really open up and are willing to invite you to dinner and stuff like that. It is really cool because here in Beer Sheva it is desert conditions and as you go south it is even more-so. However in less then 30 minutes of driving north the landscape drastically changes from desert to lush greenery and a lot of trees and hills (and mountains if you head towards Jerusalem). If you are a casual traveler the only thing I would recommend is be very careful driving here. The culture is such that the drivers are VERY aggressive. Reply

sheva Worcester, Massachusetts January 24, 2012

project i am doing a project on Beer Sheva and this gave me a lot of info Reply


In the negev Beer-sheva actually means: THE WELL OF SEVEN and according to Yoseph Gikatilla is a cognomen for the NAME AD-NAI, as explained in Gikatilla's book: Sha'ar Orah, or known in English as THE GATES OF LIGHT. Beautiful video about Beer-sheva. Todah rabah. There is no place in the world, that I know of, like Yisroel. Reply

Yvonne Chao Mombasa, Kenya May 7, 2010

I LOVE THIS Wow! Truly captivating...i live in Mombasa at a place called "Barsheba" where we have so many wells around us and am thinking what a coincidence because this video has just given me the true meaning of the Biblical City Beer-Sheba! Am a Kenyan Jew by heart studying and trying to understand the Torah and here i am feeling so blessed because of this revelation! Praise be to G-d! Reply

Mrs. Janis Hammons August 4, 2009

Wonderful Like one of your previous posts, I cannot go to Israel either but these movies draws me to Israel and I make my home with God's people in the past and present. Thank you so much for this gift. Reply

Avraham November 13, 2008

Great Movie This is the first movie I've watched from the set of videos on Israel. Beautiful. Great movie. Thanks. Reply

Noah Los Angeles, CA via chabadnorthhollywood.org March 16, 2008

I understand I enjoy watching these videos on Israel, as I cannot afford to go there.
It would be nice to have a knight in shinning armor, come pick me up and take me there. Reply

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