
Developing Virtual Circumference

The Talmud on fixing a sukkah of inadequate walls

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Developing Virtual Circumference : The Talmud on fixing a sukkah of inadequate walls

As evidenced in previous classes, to remedy excessive heights of a Sukkah one may marshal creative legal solutions. The Talmud now records one such particularly creative attempt to harness a Halachik maxim known as “Gud Asik” e.g. the theoretical extension of inadequate walls to extend into a sort of virtual partition although there are no actual walls to speak of. Deftly parrying, our Sages deflect this attempt outright. Moving on to a technically different, yet conceptually kindred scenario, a pitched dispute with multiple possibilities ensues. (Talmud tractate Sukkah 4b)
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Sukkot, Sukkah, Sukkah, Talmud

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1 Comment
Anonymous September 9, 2019

Thank you so much, Rabbi, I really am having trouble with the concept of half a wall but I don't know how to build a sukkah,I would like to just tape out the dimensions, toda raba Reply

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