Here are some questions to think about or discuss after watching the video. These questions are yours to explore as you wish and have no predetermined answers. If you feel like sharing some of your thoughts or reactions, go ahead and post them in the comments.

1. Which Sukkah in the video was your favorite? Why?

2. What do you think is the most special or interesting quality of a Sukkah?

3. If you moved into a Sukkah for a whole week, what things would you take with you? What things would you leave in your regular house?

4. A Sukkah is a Mitzvah you can actually get inside of. What are some ways you could always be "inside" a mitzvah?

5. If you were part of a sukkah building team, what would you want your job to be? Designing the sukkah? Drawing up the plans? Measuring and preparing the materials? Building? Why?