
Parsha Bo, Part 6

Instructsions on how to do the paschal offering

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Parsha Bo, Part 6: Instructsions on how to do the paschal offering

Chp. 12 verses 21 - 36: Moshe tells the elders to tell the people to take the sheep and slaughter it as a paschal offering. They were to take and bunch of hyssop and dip it into the blood and place it on the lintel and the doorposts. They were not allowed to leave their houses until morning. This would protect them from the destroyer. They were to observe Passover for ever. It goes on to tell us about the statement of the evil son. Moshe and Aaron and all the people do exactly as Hashem commanded. It continues with Hashem killing all firstborn in Egypt.
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Shoshana Carman Aurora January 15, 2022

I read about a reference to Mishnah Pesahim 9.5 that only the sacrifice itself was to be repeated and not the rites that accompany it. I've also learned that according to some, that once the Temple was built that the Jews weren't supposed to sacrifice the lamb or goat at their homes with the accompanying rites, such as applying the blood of the sacrificed young unblemished goat or lamb to the doorposts and lintels of their homes. The lambs and goats were only to be brought to the Temple for sacrifice. I would like clarification about these seeming inconsistencies with the Tanach/Torah verses. Couldn't both be done, once the Temple is rebuilt? Some doing the rites as written in Exodus 12:16-23 at their homes/dwellings and some, such as the Levites doing these rites at the Temple? Did the Temple door posts and lintel ever get blood applied to it from the Passover sacrifices during Passover? Reply

Marty Goodman west Bloomfield mich. 48323 January 17, 2022
in response to Shoshana Carman:

Hi Shoshana, I'm so glad that you are listening to my lectures, I do enjoy sharing Torah with others. As to your question, the first Pesach in Egypt was unique in many ways. The nation had few merits and were on the 49th level of impurity. Many of the rituals that were followed on that first night in Egypt were never again observed even in the Temple. such as the blood on the doorpost, the hyssop etc. In Egypt they needed these symbolic acts to merit the exodus. Even when there was no temple and private alters were permitted. During the first 14 years of conquest of the land and after the Mishkan at Shiloh was destroyed, the Paskel offering was never brought on a private alter. I hope that this answers your question if not please reach out and we can discuss it further! God Bless and Enjoy Reply

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