Marty Goodman |
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![]() The members of the Tribe of Menassah complain to Moshe that they don't want the daughters of Tzlophehad, marrying outside their tribe. They were concerned that their ancestral lands would be given to other tribes. Moshe hears the law from Hashem and the d...
Continuing with the cities of the Levites. (Ch. 35 verses 14 - 34)
The Torah lists the name of the Princes that help allot the land to their tribes. (Ch. 34 verses 22 - 29) (Ch. 35 verses 1 - 13) The 6 cities of Refuge that were given to the tribe of Levi, in addition to the other 42, and their surrounding areas.
Finishes the itinerary of the 40 years that the Children of Israel traveled in the desert. It finishes with a warning about occupying the land, and the price that would be payed if they did not wipe out the 7 nations. (Ch. 33 verses 41 - 56) (Ch. 34 verse...
Moshe goes through a list of the travels of the nation in the desert during their 40 years journey. (Ch. 33 verses 3 - 40)
Introduction, the Torah introduces a review of all the journeys that the Jews traveled in the desert for the 40 years. (Ch. 33 verses 1 & 2)
In depth study of the weekly Torah portion.
The tribes of Gad and Reuvain assure Moshe that they will not only go into battle they will lead the troops. In addition they say to him that they will stay an extra 7 years until the land in apportioned to all the tribes. (Ch. 32 verses 17 - 42)
The Tribes of Reuvain and Gad approach Moshe, they contend that they have an abundance of sheep and cattle and that they want to inherit the lands of Og and Shichon, rather than receive their portion in Israel proper. Moshe rebukes them thinking that they...
Elazar instructs the returning soldiers from the war with Median, about spiritually purifying the vessels that they had taken as booty. There is also an accounting of all the spoils, in animals, and people. The soldiers were instructed as to how to divide...
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