
What Makes It a Perfect Count?

Counting the Omer Perfectly

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What Makes It a Perfect Count?: Counting the Omer Perfectly

The sages declare that when the first day of the seven-week Omer countdown begins on a Sunday, then the count is perfect and complete. But surely the 49-day count is perfect regardless of which day in the week it starts? In answering this question, this class addresses two kinds of relationships, and where perfection really begins.
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Counting of the Omer

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Michal Evenari Germany May 15, 2015

God says: I am crazy about you... To hear that touches my heart and makes my heart bounce.
That He loves me, I know. And I love Him too.
But that He is crazy about me and all of us, and that is "fulfilling His will" is just wonderful and makes me happy, so much I can not explain.
I had to listen to it several times, because it sounds so unbelievable.
You made me very happy. - Thank you, Rabbi Moishe! Be blessed! Michal Reply

Barbara Strudler New York May 12, 2015

Very valuable discussion by Rabbi New. I am a 78-year-old widow who cannot go out
to shiurim very often, and so I'm grateful to Chabad for such a shiur as this one.

Please, could you ask Rabbi New where his wife found the beautiful tie he's wearing--
black or dark blue background with purplish-blue flowers and chartreuse leaves.
I should like to purchase one as a gift for a special person in my family. Thank you. Reply

shterna g n.y. May 12, 2015

amazing gained so much from this class, not to mention the inspiration to fully appreciate the rest of the counting and serving G-d like "crazy". thanks Reply

Sylvia UK May 12, 2015

Counting the omer requires both oral and written Torah. There are seventy ways in which to interpret the Torah.

Wisdom teaches gathering the grain = learning Torah which leads to daily bread, the practicing of what has been learnt, this takes time to reach perfection. The seventh year of counting the omer one would ideally be knowledgeable of the Torah sufficient enough to put this into effective practice. This would release the person from specific learning. Would the person be perfect? Only perfect when what is learnt is put into practice without error! We need our Lord because we are human and not perfect, therefore, throughout our lives we will be continually learning the, ways of God and the appropriate interpretation of what has been learnt.

A little leaven in the jar will eventually fill the jar, when the jar is full it is perfect.

Celebration; counting the homer can therefore been seen as a celebration of Faith and renewal of Faith. Reply

Terrenza Crochet Texas, USA April 17, 2015

When the count coincides with the weekly I wonder if there is an added dimension this year because the Count not only coincides with the weekly cycle but also the Year of Release cycle. ?? Reply

Uri Yitzchak Olando,FL April 16, 2015

...simply beautiful... Reply

Anonymous Fair Lawn April 15, 2015

Thank you I've recently begun my journey into the study and practice of Yiddishkeit. I'm 63. Your "passion" is infectious, the lesson was great! I'm blessed with 3 Chabad Rabbis that are local and brilliant, accessible and passionate as well. I first started with the Shema and Birkat Hamazon on my own (reading, Internet, etc) and as my prayers and practice began to expand, I shared with the Rabbis that on some level, in the above mentioned prayers, perhaps they encompass all the teachings. Your explation of the 1st and 2nd parts of the Shema blew me away. Thank you so much. Reply

Jana Hugf Silver Spring, Maryland April 15, 2015

Thank you! May we all merit a crazy Shavuot!!!

Thanks as always for your class!!

Jana Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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