
Will We Be Doing Mitzvahs Forever?

The Nature of a Mitzvah in the Post-Messianic Era

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Will We Be Doing Mitzvahs Forever?: The Nature of a Mitzvah in the Post-Messianic Era

One source in the Talmud posits that at some point in the Messianic era the commandments will become nullified and obsolete. Yet other sources indicate that the commandments are eternal? This class will resolve the apparent contradiction and present an overview of the evolution of practical Halacha, and in so doing, will reveal the astonishing essence of a mitzvah. (Based on Kuntres Halachos Torah shel Baal Peh 5752)
Podcast: Subscribe to Moishe New - Commentaries on the Torah
Resurrection of the Dead, Moshiach and the Future Redemption, Torah, Eternality of, Mitzvah

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N.Brenner March 23, 2015

Fantastic. Thank you Reply

Anonymous February 27, 2015

Very deep Thank you, Rabbi Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.