
Parsha Vayechi, Part 9

Yosef makes all the children of Israel swear that they will not leave Egypt without his bones

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Parsha Vayechi, Part 9: Yosef makes all the children of Israel swear that they will not leave Egypt without his bones

Ch. 50 verses 14-26: Yosef and his brothers return to Egypt after burying their father. The brothers detect a difference in Yosef attitude towards them. They are concerned that now that Yaakov was dead that Yosef would exact his revenge on them or their children for selling him. They send a messenger to tell him that their father on his deathbed had instructed them to say to him that he should forgive them. He assures them that he will continue to support them and their children. Yosef lives to see great grandchildren. He is the first of the brothers to die. Before he dies he makes all the children of Israel swear that they will not leave Egypt without his bones.
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