Parsha Vayechi, Part 8: Yosef, his brothers and families accompanied by Egyptian dignitaries and an army take his father to the Machpelah
Ch. 48 verses 29-33 Ch. 50 verses 1-13: Yaakov finishes blessing his sons. He instructs them once again to bury him in the Cave of the Machpelah in the land of Canaan. He expires and is gathered to his people. Ch. 50 Yosef has his father embalmed for forty days and then the Egyptians mourn for him for thirty days. He then asks Pharaoh for permission to take his father to Canaan to be buried. Pharaoh agrees and he and his brothers and families accompanied by Egyptian dignitaries and an army take his father to the Machpelah. They mourn for their father for seven days at Abel-mizraim. Then they carry him to the cave of the Machpelah for burial.
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