
Do-It-Yourself Tefillin

How to Put on Tefillin

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Do-It-Yourself Tefillin: How to Put on Tefillin

Simple-to-follow instructions on how to do the mitzvah of putting on Tefillin.

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Norman Krieger October 26, 2020

Can anyone please show how to wrap the Tifillin back around the case when you are finished ?
Thank you Reply

Eliezer Zalmanov for Chabad.org November 10, 2020
in response to Norman Krieger:

While we do not have a full video explaining how to wrap the tefillin back up, the end of this vide chabad.org/1504374 does have a brief shot of it.

The main goal is to neatly wrap the straps on either side of the box. Ideally the knot of the head tefillin should always remain exposed, and the knot of the hand tefillin should always remain touching the actual tefillin box.

For additional instructions, I suggest getting in touch with your local Chabad rabbi and ask him for a brief hands-on tutorial. Reply

K. Toronto July 18, 2016

Thank you for this thoughtful production Really appreciated the background music for this video.

It is possible you could respond with the source of your soundtrack credit?

Thanks, Reply

Rivka Staten Island, NY July 12, 2016

Thank you for helping my 13 year old son put his Tefillin on correctly. His father was at work and his older brothers were in camp but thankfully your detailed instructions helped guide him along. Thank you again. Reply

Adam Chicago January 29, 2016

Great guide... Thank you - this is a wonderful guide. Many thanks. Reply

Nir Great Neck December 13, 2015

Thank you just got my new tedillin and used this video to do it myself first time. 40 years old. Never too late :-). Nir from LI NY Reply

Annonymous Chicago August 24, 2020
in response to Nir:

So touched Reply

Michael Feygin Woodmere July 27, 2015

Thank you! Reply

aharon pico April 19, 2015

is this sefhardic Reply

Yohannan Norway April 18, 2018
in response to aharon:

No its not Sephardic. Reply

Anonymous Wisconsin February 16, 2015

Tefillin DIY Thank you for making this. Its been so long i have forgotten. Reply

Anonymous Ohio January 26, 2015

tefillin whoever is wondering about the brachah by the head tefillin, u only say it if there was an interruption in between the arm and head, like if u talked or something Reply

Aliza December 6, 2014

Smooth, clear, and pleasant guide Reply

Sam Leon October 28, 2014

It helps to have a mirror to center the head tefillin between the eyes easier. Reply

Alvin Fayman New Jersey October 7, 2013

Tefillin Very insightful information at the beginning. What about the saying brachot for donning the head tefillin and wrapping the strap around the middle finger? Reply

David Levant Emerson,NJ July 29, 2013

G-D commands us to put on Tefillin, it's one of his 613 commandments. This I know will never be read in the comments expressed here, but here's what I think. G-D commands the Jewish people to wear these because they need to be constantly reminded of his presence, and not fall victim towards evil practices. You bind it to yourself everyday except shabbos and yom tov, when you do not need a reminder. I do not wear them unless asked by a rabbi, and even then sometimes I politely decline. What you bind to yourselves I carry for him a steadfastly in my heart. I have a deep love for G-D and humanity there and his spirit will dwell there forever and ever. So what do I need Tefillin for? Reply

George Haerens Michigan April 5, 2018
in response to David Levant:

Tefillin Add a comment...an acupuncture expert has mentioned that the Tefillin activates those very pressure points that help with meditation and peace and relation with the Creator. I am sure there is some electrical or quantum physics involved since the Man in the Shroud of Turin is also wearing a set. Reply

Hank Bayer July 26, 2013

Tephilin Excellent demonstration by an excellent demonstrator but there are too many details to observe.........too many details. This is why I consider myself to be an everyday Jew and only observe the mitzvah of having a decent relationship with my fellow man, AND, doing what I can for whom I can.


Rick Fort Worth, TX July 25, 2013

very helpful and clearly demonstrated.

Thanks ! Reply

Tzvi Hunter Indio, California July 24, 2013

Putting on tefillin I like your demonstration, however, I wish you would've shown me how to wrap it back up and put it in the bag. Oh well, maybe next time. All the best, Reply

John Hiers Fayetteville, NC July 24, 2013

Thank You! I have been wanting to know how to, and this IS the best demonstration I have seen!

Shalom Reply

Yefuneh Weimer Des Moines February 3, 2013

How to wrap Tefillin Superb demonstration and explanation. Todah rabah. Reply

L Vides South africa January 17, 2013

I look forward to receiving your mail. Reply

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