
The Mitzvah Campaign of Tefillin

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The Mitzvah Campaign of Tefillin

In 1967, prior to the Six-Day War, the Rebbe launched the now famous Tefillin Campaign, which encourages all Jewish men to perform the mitzvah of tefillin. Discover why this mitzvah was chosen at the time, and why it’s so relevant today.
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Outreach & Influence, Tefillin, Mitzvah Campaign, The Rebbe's, Tefillin Campaign, The Rebbe's

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Rolando VA August 11, 2015

Faith is action! The connectedness between G-d and His people is a powerful revelation of G-d's truth not only through the Torah but in the actualization of His promises. This is a blessing. Thank you. Reply

Daniel Dobrin Atlanta August 9, 2015

Tefillin, now! Thank you thank you. I'm getting tefillin, tomorrow. First thing in the morning. Reply