
The Story Behind Yitzi’s Song

About Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz’s Amazing Inspiration

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The Story Behind Yitzi’s Song: About Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz’s Amazing Inspiration

Despite facing one of life's most difficult challenges, Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz continues to inspire all those who come in contact with him to greater joy and faith. Diagnosed four years ago with bulbar onset, a dreaded form of ALS, "Rabbi Yitzi", as he is affectionately known, is now 95% paralyzed and no longer able to speak or breathe on his own. Before his diagnosis, Rabbi Yitzi, his wife Dina and their seven children, were Chabad emissaries in Temecula, California for 14 years.
ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

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someone in the universe February 19, 2021

so touching makes me want to sing Reply

Anonymous April 18, 2016

so inspired may Ytzi have a refua shelema very speedily. he is a rare diamond, he has so much simcha, the entire world needs him. may he be blessed with a long & healthy life, till 120 together with his wife & kids!!! Reply

Rabbi Akiva Bnei Brak October 16, 2023
in response to Anonymous:

Amen Reply