
Tzitzit and Tallit

A Constant Reminder

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Tzitzit & Tallit: A Constant Reminder

Explore the significance of the ritually fringed four-cornered garment.
Tzitzit, Tallit and Tzitzit

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Uriel Bronx ny August 6, 2014

There are some jewish communities who wear tallith gadol at all hours of prayer ( shacharit, mincha, and arvit). I wear my tallit gadol at all hours of prayer when am at home doing my personal prayers. But when am at a beit Knesset then I follow the local minhag and nusach of the beit Knesset am praying in. Reply

Trixy Blaine MN June 21, 2013

Hexaplex trunculus is the die not from the Hexaplex trunculus sea snail? Its die is purple when in the shade but when exposed to the sun it turns an indigo color Reply

Kitty Carbondale July 9, 2011

Prayer shawl embroidered lines It is my understanding that each of the 12 tribes had a unique pattern of lines on the prayer shawl. Where can I find information about those embroidered lines and to which tribe each is associated? Reply

Ben Modiin, Israel May 10, 2011

Tzitzit and Devora, you wrote that you're looking for inspirational stories for a son going through teen challenges. How about "The Would-Be Sinner," on Menachos 44a?

It's too explicit for young teens. You'll want to preview it and decide whether it's appropriate for your son. Reply

Devora March 14, 2010

response to Jacob Shaner Jacob Shaner,

I would suggest that you wear your tzizit over your undershirt and then wear a t-shirt over it. This is perfectly fine to proudly wear at home. Tzizit don't have to be worn with formal dress only. Many Chassidim wear a pair of night tzizit over or under their PJs.

Since you did your research, perhaps you can help me. Have you come across any inspirational stories I can forward to my son to encourage him to put back on his tzizit? He's going thru teen challanges stage right now...?? Reply

Jacob Shaner kingston, ny February 4, 2010

tzitzit I watched the video, Ive searched the internet, I read every source available, but have not gotten an answer: how do I wear tzitzit if I spend my days home (disabled) and either don't get dressed for the day, or wear jeans and a t-shirt? I cant let the tzitzit touch my skin, so an undershirt is necessary, then another shirt over? I should wash them every day? I so want to perform this mitzvot, but it was much easier when I worked in NYC and dressed in a suit everyday. Now, it's pjs, warm ups, shorts and T's. I can't wear a suit everyday Reply

Leah London Uk October 29, 2017
in response to Jacob Shaner:

hi you can make a bracha and then wear them for a short amount of time on top of your t shirt.
then when you get used to doing that every day, you can wear them for a longer amount of time Reply

Mendy November 3, 2009

RE: Tekheles Problem is that if they are not techeles, the thread must be the same color as the garment that they are fixed to. Reply

Daviyd Rockford, MI November 3, 2009

Re: tekheles I do understand this. I know what the Tal'mud says about not using a substitute for tekheles which looks like tekheles, but if one uses an extremely dark blue, or an extremely light blue, it does not resemble tekheles, but is still blue - and is at least closer to the mitz'vah than omitting the blue thread all together. Reply

Mendy November 3, 2009

RE: tekheles suggesting that we use another dye instead of techelet is like asking a doctor to place another similar looking liquid into the bag dripping into the arm of the patient since they ran out of the stuff they normally put in the i.v. or asking your a chef to put mud into the spaghetti since there is no beef and they look almost alike. They may look alike, but one nourishes and the other does not.

Techelet is the mitzvah that G-d asked for and indigo or blueberries just won't make the cut. Reply

Daviyd Rockford, MI November 3, 2009

tekheles why must the tekheles be such a specific and rare dye? and in the absence of such a dye, should we not do our best to fulfill the mitz'vah of a "thread of blue", to the best of our ability? Why not use a blue that is either darker or lighter than actual tekheles, so that it cannot be mistaken for tekheles, but is still blue? Reply

Menachem Posner, Chabad.org October 29, 2008

Re: Tzitzit Need to be Seen We read in Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 8:11) that one should wear the tzitzit over his other garments so that he can constantly see them and be reminded of the mitzvot.

In fact, Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan (known as the Chafetz Chaim) strongly objected to those who tucked their tzitzit into their pants. He wrote (Mishnah Brurah 8:26) that doing so is a denigration of the mitzvot. He gives an example of a person who received a garment as a gift from a king -- obviously he would proudly expose it for all to see. All the more so, then, should one make a point of exposing the tzitzit.

On the other hand, we see in the kabbalistic writings (Pri Etz Chaim, Shaar Tzitzit I) that the AriZal would wear his tzitzit under his other garments. The reason for this practice is because the talit katan represents a more internal level while the talit gadol represents the external and therefore worn over the other garments. The Rebbe (Likuttei Sichot 23 Shlach III) explains that in the talit katan reality, the fact that one knows about his tzitzit is considered vision since he internally sees them in his mind's eye. On the other hand, the talit gadol which represent the external aspects must be visible to the naked eye as well.

Many Sephardim base their practice on this precedent and therefore tuck their tzitzit into their pants. They fulfill the obligation of actually “seeing” the tzitzit through wearing their talit gadol over the other garments.

The Alter Rebbe writes (Shulchan Aruch 8:18) that nonetheless one should leave the tzitzit out so that they serve as a constant reminder, and this is the accepted Chabad practice. Reply

Anonymous Winnipeg, Canada October 28, 2008

Tzitzit need to be seen I'm just curious why Sfaradim and even Mitnagdim tuck in their tzitzit if must be seen. Does it have to be seen 24/7? Also, do you fulfill the mitzvah of wearing tzitzit if you put it on, say the bracha, but then take it off? Is there a prescribed amount of time per day one must wear tzitzit? Reply

Menachem Posner for Chabad.org October 7, 2008

Re: Tzitzit according to Chabad custom To David:

The Chabad tying method is indeed to wind 7,8,11,13 wraps between knots. However, there is the additional detail known as chulyot, which means that there are subgroups created within these larger segments.

See these diagrams that illustrate how it looks. Reply

David Wilmington, NC,USA October 6, 2008

Tzitzit OK...so how do tie tzitzit according to Chabad minhag??
I saw a Youtube vid that went so fast I couldn't follow it.
Is the Chabad tying method 7,8,11,13 wraps between knots?
Thanks Reply

Anonymous Los Angeles, CA June 25, 2008

tallit, tzitzit, tefillin Thanks for reminding me how important these mitzvos are. Doing them every morning one can grow casual in the doing. I have been 'awakened' after reading these articles. Thank you so much. Reply


THANK YOU FOR THE TEACHING OF THE DEED Thank you for the teachings of the Deed. In a simple ma complete way,you show us in these videos the importance and how to do correctly the Mitzvot. Shalom Reply

Rhodes Family Foley, AL / USA October 3, 2007

Thank you Thank you for taking the time to teach us. We are learning so much. May the Holy One bless you and your family! Reply

Nathaniel Black newcastle upon tyne, UK via judaismlive.com June 14, 2007

The Deed-Tallit Excellent work with this video, very informative for those that require easy to comprehend information, as ever your web sites are top quality. well done, todah Reply

jody r savant sullivan, mo June 6, 2007

I love the deed. especially the ease and accuracy of the teaching. I am highly impressed. shalom Reply

Anonymous .............................., ................................. via chabadbocabeaches.com January 2, 2007

tzitzit & talit vedeo lol i like it ,very cool people can learn alot from it. Reply

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