
Engagement in Judaism

Part 1

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Engagement - Part 1: Part 1

The Jewish way of dating and preparing yourself for your wedding.

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Moshe Aventura, Fl August 5, 2009

reply If I am not mistaken he was specifically referring to the wife going to the Mikvah (Spiritual dip) on a consistant basis. Normally we call it Taharat Hamishpacha "Family Purity" because their commitment to that is so foudational and crucial to the Jewish Marriage. www.mikvah.org Reply

Joseph Silver Montreal, Canada January 28, 2008

Question for Rabbi Kaplan: Let's say the couple is not ready to live a life of torah mitzvahs, like so many happily married jews out there? Or as you say, a life of "wedded bliss as Torah prescribes it"? Will you not officiate the wedding? You will deny their right to marriage? Maybe they're just ready to stop eating bacon? You will let them live in sin because they're not ready to go all the way? I don't understand. Reply