
Torah Study

More Than a History Book

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Torah Study: More Than a History Book

The Torah is more than a history book. It is G-d’s instructions to humanity. It tells us how to maximize our potential on this earth.

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Sam Leon USA January 14, 2015

Wait a minute, Rabbi. You say that Torah study is equal to all the other mitzvos we, as Jews, are to perform, yet I've heard this exact statement referring to other mitzvos, such as observing Shabbat, and giving charity. Which one is true? Reply

Anonymous Metairie, La via chabadneworleans.com May 18, 2010

Torah Study First this was excellent and it came to me at the exact time it was needed. It answered questions about Talmud. Through JLI I have been studying Tanya with a study pardner and that is exciting. He is unbelieveable. And R Posner is exactly correct that we often wander but the wandering is full of learning. Thanks to Chabad. Reply

Menachem Posner for Chabad.org May 30, 2008

RE: How to study? Chavrusa study is a unique form of learning. It is a give and take in-between two people who join skills in order to master the subject at hand. The pair reads and discusses the text at hand. While the primary conversation revolves around the texts, it often wanders to related (and sometimes unrelated) parts of the torah. Reply

James Hilden-Minton Decatur, GA May 30, 2008

How to study? Seeing the images of people studing in pairs, I wonder how this is done. Is one teaching the other? Is there some particular structure to it, or is it more of a free form conversation?

Thanks. Reply

Tom May 25, 2007

Video on the Torah Excellent... in every way! Reply

Paul Hogg Auckland, NZ August 8, 2006

The Deed The more the Torah is studied the healthier this world will become, so please keep producing clips like the Deed. Reply

Anonymous August 6, 2006

Beautiful!!! Images are too masculine: display more female images earlier in the segment, women teaching as well as learning and studying b'chavrusah. Children would be nice too. Reply

Anonymous June 12, 2006

Great job! Great job yet less of the rabbi and more visual content needed. Otherwise, splendid. Reply

Keren Lee June 10, 2006

The videos are instructive and pleasantly short.
Thank you,
-K- Reply

Anonymous Bowie, MD June 9, 2006

The Deed Excellent! Superb! Great Potential in the media! Reply

Anonymous Israel June 9, 2006

Great graphics, nice content, but a little long for today's hyperactive surfers. A little judicious editing (and fewer close-ups of the Rabbi) would improve them tremendously. Great idea though! Reply