The Jewish Meditation Series
Guidance on Mindful Prayer
Video | 14:19
Focused Intentions
Rabbi Tzvi Freeman provides a first entry into authentic and practical Jewish meditation. Taking us step by step through the words of the first morning prayer, providing imagery and concepts for mindful focus.
Video | 9:08
Continuing Our Meditation
Continuing the Modeh Ani meditation with a contemplation of the Creator as Author of our personal stories.
Video | 12:43
Putting It All Together
Final segment of the Modeh Ani meditation, focusing on the return of the soul.
Video | 18:20
The essence of the Kaddish
The Kaddish response is meant to be said with "all the power of your mental focus." Here is a practical guide to saying each word with total mindfulness and focus.
Video | 17:58
Imagining Creation
The first step of Shema is to lift yourself into a space from which you can see the view from above.
Video | 15:13
Speech: The Ultimate Metaphor for Creation
We use the emergence of speech from the human psyche to experience the act of creation within ourselves.
Video | 9:13
The Essential Secret
Real secrets don't need to be hidden--they are known only to those who already know. The most absolute secret is to know existence itself.
Video | 10:55
Going Back Out Into the World
Now we bring this all back down to earth with an added line after the Shema.
Video | 10:40
Logging-on – Praise
The very idea of prayer is absurd--a tiny creature speaking with its Creator, like a figment of your imagination talking back to you. Once you accept that absurdity, you are ready to stand in the awe of prayer.
Video | 10:02
The Plea – Personal Requests
The Shemoneh Esrei tells a story, began with a proper order of priorities in life, each need in its proper place.
Video | 9:40
The Plea – Communal Requests
Next comes the story of redemption, leading up to the ultimate prayer in the temple of a rebuilt Jerusalem.
Video | 6:11
The Exit
Leaving the upper world while holding on tight.
Video | 30:18
Part 1: Holy Bananas
Mindful eating begins by opening a channel. Tzvi Freeman works backwards, step by step, disclosing the thoughts behind a mindful blessing.
Video | 19:58
Part 2: Mindful Mitzvahs
Before doing any mitzvah, a blessing is also said, but somewhat longer. Rabbi Freeman illuminates the meaning of the added words.
Video | 13:57
A preparation for prayer; a consciousness of a great presence.
Video | 23:49
Meditation in Movement
The movements we make with the Four Kinds each day of Sukkot are a meditation on bringing our emotions into balanced harmony. This meditation is grounded in the kavanot of the Ari, as explained in the siddur of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi.