
Mitzvah Quizzes

Take the Mitzvah Quiz
What do you know about the mitzvahs of the Torah?
Take the Kabbalat Shabbat Quiz
What do you know about this uplifting prayer?
Take the Havdalah Quiz
Test your knowledge of a weekly Jewish ritual.
Take the Kippah Quiz
Do you know your kippot from your tzitzt?
Take the Brit Milah Quiz
Do you know your mohel from your sandek?
Take the Food Blessings Quiz
Can you successfully navigate these foods?
Take the Silent-Prayer Quiz
This prayer is so important.
Take the Hakhel Quiz
Find out how much you really know about Hakhel!
Take the Tzedakah Quiz
Quiz yourself on this important and special mitzvah!
Take the Tefillin Quiz
How much do you know about this incredibly powerful mitzvah? Take this quiz to find out!
Take the Shabbat-Candles Quiz
Time for a quiz: Test your Shabbat candles knowledge!
How Much Do You Know About Honoring Your Parents?
Take our quiz and find out!
Take the Kosher Quiz
Answer these 10 questions and see if you are a kosher wiz!
Take the Mezuzah Quiz
See how well you know the laws and customs of the great mitzvah of Mezuzah!
The Jewish Books Quiz
How well do you know the Jewish library? Take this quiz and find out!
Take the Jewish Daily Routine Quiz
Take this quiz to see how well you know the various mitzvot that are done daily in the life of a Jew.
Take the Jewish Ritual Objects Quiz
Do you know a shofar from a mezuzah? How many candles do we light when, and why? Test yourself here!
Take the Jewish Funeral Quiz
Accompanying the deceased to his or her final resting place is a tremendous mitzvah and displays great respect. See how much you know about Jewish funerals with this quiz.
Take the Psalms Quiz
How much do you know about this special book, so beloved by the Jewish people?
Take the Tallit Quiz
Do you know the ins and outs of the Jewish prayer shawl? Take this quiz to find out.
Take the Shabbat Services Quiz
This quiz will help you know how well you know the traditional Shabbat synagogue services.
Do you know everything there is to know about keeping kosher?
Do you know everything about Shabbat? Find out here!
Take the Conversion to Judaism Quiz
How much do you know about how people become Jewish? What steps and requirements go into the process?
Take the Shabbat Food Quiz
Test your knowledge of delicious shabbat food!
Take the Jewish Divorce Quiz
How well-versed are you in Jewish divorce?
Take the Chumash Quiz
Think you know all there is to know about Chumash? Find out!
Take the “Redemption of the Firstborn” Quiz
Do you know about the firstborn baby ceremony? 
Take the Kaddish Quiz
Test your knowledge of this super-important prayer.