It is a love more fierce than death…its coals burn with the fire of a divine flame. The mightiest oceans are incapable of extinguishing this love, and rivers cannot wash it away.
—Song of Songs 8:6–7.
Deep within the human soul burns an intense love, a yearning to reunite with the Infinite Light from which it emerged.
The flood of anxieties that fill this world are incapable of inundating that love. The rapid rivers of the busiest, noisiest life cannot wash it away.
Because it is not a flame lit by human hands, not a love born of human imagination. It is an innate love, divinely forged, a love that lies at the very essence. For all this world was only made to serve this love, to fall into the harmony of its spell.
Ride above the waves. Surround yourself with an ark of divine wisdom and precious deeds, and let the flood of waters carry you high.
That flame will burst into a brilliant fire. For all the challenges it has faced will have rendered it that much greater.
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