Lessons in Derech Mitzvosecha
A Mystical Perspective on the Commandments
The Prohibition Against Hating One’s Fellow Jew, The Mitzvah of Loving One’s Fellow Jew
The Mitzvah of Confession and Teshuvah
The Mitzvah of Confession and Teshuvah
The Mitzvah for a Metzora to Be Shaved
The Mitzvah for a Metzora to Be Shaved
The Mitzvah of the Priestly Blessing
The Mitzvah of Sanctifying G-d's Name
The Prohibition Against Desecrating G-d’s Name
The Mitzvah to Appoint a King
The Mitzvah to Appoint a King
The Mitzvah of Building a Sanctuary
The Mitzvah of Building a Sanctuary
The Mitzvah of Tzitzis
The Mitzvah of Tzitzis
The Mitzvah to Believe in G-d
The Mitzvah to Believe in G-d
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