Brief biographies of the founding leaders of Chassidism and the Rebbes of Chabad-Lubavitch, exploring their wide-ranging activities and sweeping impact on world Jewry
Rabbi Israel, "Master of the Good Name" - a brief biography
The advent of Chassidism came at a time when the revival it would bring was sorely needed, however, the Baal Shem Tov's vision was even more wide-ranging
A brief biography of the founder of Chabad-Lubavitch Movement
Few luminaries in Jewish history, particularly in modern times, have made as lasting and profound a contribution to our spiritual heritage as Rabbi Shneur Zalman.
Rabbi Joseph Isaac's arrival in America brought a revolution in American perspectives towards Judaism, and a reawakening that was previously thought impossible
Published in 1973 by the Lubavitch Foundation of Great Britain, Challenge traces the history of Chabad Lubavitch through an overview of the movement's activities during the middle of the 20th century. It offers considerable insight into Chabad philosophy and its impact on contemporary Jewish life in a wide-ranging collection of essays and articles that reveal the myriad dimensions of Chasidism for the modern Jew.