
A Witness of G-d

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A Witness of G-d

The Torah prohibits speaking falsehood and bearing false witness in court. The codifiers list this as just one of Judaism’s 365 negative commandments. Yet Maimonides singles out the offense as one of the most disgraceful in Torah.
Mishpatim, Honesty, False Witnesses, Testimony, Lubavitcher Rebbe
A Witness of G-d
Disc 188, Program 752

Event Date: 13 Adar I 5746 - February 22, 1986

The Torah prohibits speaking falsehood and bearing false witness in court. The codifiers list this as just one of Judaism’s 365 negative commandments. Yet Maimonides singles out the offense as one of the most disgraceful in Torah.

Why such a big deal? The purpose of a Jew is to serve as a testament to God. When others see that a Jew acts ethically because God commanded him so, it serves as a positive testament to Him. So being dishonest is not just a matter of transgressing God’s will, it undermines the reason you were created.

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