
The Strength of Our people

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The Strength of Our people

At the first possible opportunity, we begin teaching our young about their precious heritage. And while the obligation to educate our children only begins once they reach the age of five or six, there is much we can teach them even before then.
Childhood; Children, Education, Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Strength of Our people
Disc 163, Program 651

Event Date: 14 Adar I 5746 - February 23, 1986

At the first possible opportunity, we begin teaching our young about their precious heritage. And while the obligation to educate our children only begins once they reach the age of five or six, there is much we can teach them even before then.

It is a time honored custom among Jewish women to imbue their children, from the youngest age, with a deep appreciation for the gift they’ve been given. A practice that is sure to lay a strong foundation for their future, as well that of the Jewish people.

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