The Day the Heavens Opened
The Day the Heavens OpenedThe Jewish people studied Torah and observed its precepts long before they actually became obligated in them at Sinai. Moreover, the Ten Commandments were composed largely of laws already commanded to the non-Jewish world. What, then, was so important about the giving of the Torah at Sinai?
The Day the Heavens Opened
Disc 101, Program 403
Event Date: 4 Sivan 5744 - June 04, 1984
The Jewish People studied Torah and observed its precepts long before they actually became obligated in them at Sinai. Moreover, the Ten Commandments were composed largely of laws already commanded to the non-Jewish world. What, then, was so important about the Giving of the Torah at Sinai? At Sinai, “G-d spoke all these words.” Although the Jews had already received much of Torah’s teaching from their holy ancestors, there is no comparison between hearing something from a man of flesh and blood to hearing it directly from G-d Almighty Himself. G-d, the King of kings, descended from On High, together with his Holy Chariot and all the Ministering Angels, and He addressed each Jew individually: “I am the L-rd your G-d, Who redeemed you from Egypt.” Such an experience is on an entirely different plane of existence, which means it is also heard, and carried out, with an entirely different level of commitment. |
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