
Noach Videos

A taste of Shazak Parsha, where the weekly Torah portion comes alive! Geared for kids... Great for adults!
Parshat Noach
How do rainbows work, and how do you get to be one?
A short insight on Parshat Noach
Ever wonder what a rainbow really is? Here's what the rainbow teaches us about making our world a better, more colorful place.
Topics include: Noah's reincarnation as Moses, the Tower of Babel, Abraham and Sarah as the source of the souls of future converts.
Five on Five—Noach
How to build a sanctum of time and space to protect you from the floodwaters of an overwhelming life.
A Failed Experiment?
With the Great Flood the Almighty returned the world to its original state when "the spirit of God hovered above the waters". In analyzing a fascinating passage from the Midrash (Bereishis Rabbah 5:1) that speaks of 'mute inhabitants' and 'intellectual inhabitants', this class addresses one of life's big questions and offers a surprisingly refreshing answer. (Based on the Maamor Bereishis Boro 5727)
Parsha Noach
This commandment was addressed to both Adam and again to Noah and his offspring. More than just a repetition of a previous obligation, G-d reveals to Noah the extraordinary virtue of bearing many children. An analysis of Maimonides' treatment of the obligation to populate the world. (Likutei Sichos vol. 30)
Some of the sages say that “Noah was righteous in his generation” means that if Noah had lived in another generation, he would not have been considered so righteous. The Zohar compares the generation of Noah to those of Abraham, Moses and King David.
Practical Parshah - Noach
The life of Noah raises questions of how to address the moral failings of others, from zealous extremism on one hand to insularism and apathy on the other.
Life Lessons from Parshat Noach
Rabbi Gordon shares inspirational Torah insights on the weekly Torah portion with practical life lessons.
Letters and Numbers of Torah - Noach
The words "order the animals to leave the Ark" (Genesis 8:17) are written as if pronounced "forcibly remove the animals from the Ark." Why was it so difficult to leave the Ark and what can we learn from this about bringing holiness into our daily lives?
How to Study Torah - Noach
Why G-d wanted Noah to make a public spectacle by building an ark all by himself. Understanding the verse "Make for yourself an ark..." (Genesis 6:14) and how Noah, as righteous as he was, failed as a spiritual leader.
Study some of the highlights of the weekly Torah portion with insights from various commentaries.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Noach contains 153 verses and the mnemonic are the names Bezalel and Avi Yiskah Lot. Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
Parshah Curiosities: Noach
A deeper analysis of the Torah narrative of the animals being saved with Noach and his family in the ark offers a fascinating discovery into the mysterious phenomena of the phoenix bird.
Opening with fascinating messaging and deeper symbolism, this colourful rumination on the heavenly arc, moves on to address fundamental questions, like how a natural phenomenon is construed as paranormal. A vibrant spectrum of diverse opinions and teachings why the rainbow can serve as G-d’s eternal symbol are presented, clarifying how it confirmed G-d’s covenant with humanity and opening a broader prism of understanding about the proverbial flood’s purpose and ultimate impact.
Discover the mystical dimension of the Great Flood and the story of Noach from the teachings of Chassidus.
A closer look at the two interpretations of Rashi on the lighting in the Ark. (Likutei Sichos vol. 10, Noach sicha 1)
A Taste of Text—Noach
When life is rushing by leaving you with an endless to do list, when you feel swamped with the demands of life, how can you cope?
The Hebrew term for the flood, Mabul, is related to the word bilbul, which means confusion. The story of Noach shows us how to confront challenging confusion in our lives.
Imagine yourself witnessing the moral decay of the world around you. Do you try to save the world against all odds, or do you save yourself? Who was Noah? Was he simply a decent man relative to the corrupt society in which he lived or a great man in his own right? Why was it necessary to wipe out everything, and why would a merciful G-d destroy the world He created? And why with a flood when He could have just made it all disappear? The answers will lead us to discover what makes a healthy civilization tick, and how to use that wisdom to uplift ourselves and humanity as a whole.
In the ark, Noah focused entirely on serving his Creator. After the great flood, G-d commanded Noah, “Go out from the Teivah—the ark.” He was commanded to leave this ideal environment and reenter the world.
Our lives are full of problems and challenges. How do we respond? We can point out the problem, better yet, offer a solution; or be one of those rare people who takes responsibility and works the solution. Gain insight and motivation into becoming a solver, learning why we already have the ability inside us.
Something Spiritual on Parshat Noach
A nation that can mourn together is a nation that can celebrate together. A lesson from Noah’s family life in the Ark.
From the holidays into the everyday
On Sukkot, pilgrims travelled from all over the land of Israel to visit the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. In order not to inconvenience the traveler who lived furthest from the Holy City as he trekked home, the prayer for rain is delayed for 15 days, until the 7th of Cheshvan. In addressing this subject, this class offers the tonic to the inevitable post-holiday blues. (Based on Likutei Sichos, volume 20)
Three Models for Living: Part 2
The first two Torah portions (B'reishis and Noach) represent two opposite models for life. The first begins happily but ends in turmoil, the second begins with difficulty but ends with success. The difference highlights the importance of hard work.
Peru U’revu: The mitzvah to bear children
The first mitzvah in the Torah is to have children. This class examines details of this commandment and five levels of understanding.
Exploring Rashi’s commentary on the unusual Nun and G-d’s anger
How come the wicked population of Noah’s times lived for hundreds of years, while the righteous Abraham did not? A fascinating insight into how G-d interacts with our world.
The Torah’s demarcation points to an end of an era where the wrath of G-d reigned in the world. This explanation of Rashi also offers insight into the longevity of the early generation of humankind. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 15 Noach sicha 5)
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 10, Noach sicha 2
A lesson in when seeing the negative in others is a reflection of own negativity that needs correction.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 10, Noach sicha 3
Probing an obvious question on the dove grabbing an olive leaf straight after a globally devastating flood and why Rashi doesn’t address it.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 15, Noach sicha 1
Why did it take Noach 120 years to build the Ark? A closer look at the objective of the building process itself.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 20, Noach sicha 1
G-d is a rational idea, but belief is super-rational. Analysis of the Rambam’s codification of the evolution of idolatry and the innovation of faith introduced by Avraham, sheds light on why Noach is excluded from the ‘generation of Avraham’ even though their years overlapped.
Financial worries and the daily grind of life are the cause of much stress and anxiety. What kind of advice does the Torah have for dealing with economic uncertainties?
One little dude throwing words at another little dude.
The progressive levels of Shabbat
How the experience of the 'Shabbat rest' deepens as Shabbat progresses, culminating in Shabbat's sublime final moments. An exploration of the nature of pleasure. (Based on the maamar Eileh Toldos Noach 5737)
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 15, Noach sicha 4
Examining a passage from Pirkei Avos on humans being created in the Divine image, and our spiritual responsibility to the nations.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 15, Noach sicha 5
How Avraham changed the energy of the world. Exploring Rashi’s explanation of the upside-down nun in the last verse of the parsha.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 15, Noach sicha 3
Does Shabbos fly in the face of the purpose of Creation?
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