
The Importance of Work

Three Models for Living: Part 2

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The Importance of Work: Three Models for Living: Part 2

The first two Torah portions (B'reishis and Noach) represent two opposite models for life. The first begins happily but ends in turmoil, the second begins with difficulty but ends with success. The difference highlights the importance of hard work.
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Work; Achievement, Joy; Happiness, Noach, Bereishit, Inspiration

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Katie Jane Long Howard, Pa. USA November 24, 2012

I have never heard a Rabbi explain with such ease this subject I have always been, even as a child a little Enoch, always felt alone, until I was rescued from Christianity and found Judaism, thank you for this loving and compassionate explaination of those of us who are "Indigo Children" and grow up as adults in a difficult world, May we find our true roots in Judaism, I believe we have been lost children of Israel. Thank you our dear Rabbi! Reply

Vezu France November 22, 2012

Thanks Rabbi. I am from South Africa and i enjoyed listening to you. Made me miss home. Reply

Irene Glen Burnie, Md USA November 21, 2012

The Importance of Work This was such an enjoyable teaching. And you brought it out with great humor. Thank you for sharing this teaching. Shalom, may all the blessings of G-d be upon you. Reply

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