
Rabbi Gordon - Re'eh: 6th Portion

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Rabbi Gordon - Re'eh: 6th Portion

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Re'eh, Parshah

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Anonymous Orlando August 13, 2015

It's difficult to buy into every Jew being family when a vast majority have been cold to me. Especially the women. It sure would be easier to love my fellow Jew if they were better to me. A vast majority have been cold to me. Perhaps I'm missing something and someone has insight that may change my perspective. Reply

Yoni Pittsburgh August 30, 2019
in response to Anonymous:

Do something nice for your fellow Jew. Anyone. Anything. Even a warm hello. Let your family know you care Reply

Bev Price Johannesburg August 22, 2014

Rabbi Gordon, it is always beautiful to hear how you remember and honour your late Father through relating the way he taught you Chumash and passing that on to us.Kol tuv and Shalom al Yisrael. Reply

KEN KESTLER FAIR LAWN, NJ/USA via chabadhouse.com August 4, 2010

TZEDAKAH If one has a stock and it increases in value... does the gain when sold become tithed as income?

The same stock if has a gain but not sold... is this subject to the tithe rule? and if you give tzedakah (charity) based on the unsold profit... and then the same stock has a loss...? Reply

Study the daily Chumash with Rashi, Tanya and Rambam with master teacher Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon.
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