
Rabbi Gordon - Re'eh: 2nd Portion

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Rabbi Gordon - Re'eh: 2nd Portion

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Re'eh, Parshah

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Eliezer Zalmanov for Chabad.org August 12, 2015

Re: Interpretation of deutoronomy 12:22 That verse is telling us two points:

1) One may eat kosher animals outside of the Temple for personal consumption (even if the person is in a state of impurity).

2) Certain fats of the animal may not be eaten, as they are set aside for the altar (even if in this case it is not being offered on the altar) Reply

yisrael chicago August 11, 2015

Interpretation of deutoronomy 12:22 shalom what is the interpretation of Deverim 12;22 Reply

Tzuri Avila Los Angeles July 29, 2013

Pasuk 20 Hi,

כי ירחיב וגו': למדה תורה דרך ארץ, שלא יתאוה אדם לאכול בשר, אלא מתוך רחבת ידים ועושר:

My question is on the above Rashi and I'd like your advise; What is Rashi really teacing us. Isn't obvious that if you are wealthy you can eat meat every day because you could probably afford it. If so, why do we need Rashi to tell us this? Or is Rashi only teaching us that we are only allowed to desire meat when we are wealthy and that we should it but not desire it and eat it when we are not wealthy?

I'd truly like your insight on this Rashi.

Please help. Reply

_ _ _ _ August 6, 2018
in response to Tzuri Avila :

We don't have to eat meat. Some people have the desire to do so, what we need Rashi to tell us is that since meat is only like a "luxury," it is best that we should only desire it when we are wealthy. Not when we are not. The Derech Eretz Rashi is trying to teach us here, is that we should not desire something can not get. Reply

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