
Hashem’s Mercy

Exploring Rashi’s commentary on saying G-d’s name

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Hashem’s Mercy: Exploring Rashi’s commentary on saying G-d’s name

When G-d enlists Moshe to redeem the Jews from Egypt, Moshe wants to know which Divine name he should share with the Children of Israel. Rashi sees a profound lesson in that question. (Exodus 3:13-15)
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HaVaYaH, Eh-He-Ye-H, Shemot, Rashi

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Anonymous Johannesburg January 17, 2020

Brilliant Rabbi Shishler!
May I too, with apologies for playing one off against the other, please read Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' commentary on this very subject. Reply

Dr Shamai Canada January 16, 2020

Even more to this....if G-d is always with us, then whatever is happening, he knows. If we trust in G-d, then whatever he gives us is good. It is not for us to decide what is good and what is bad. G-d knows all and is not only always with us, he IS us. He has never been separate from us. That is just our mind's illusion. There is not, and has never been, any duality. Reply

Anonymous January 16, 2020

Very good, this explains why Jews should not use Hashem's name in negative ways because Hashem is always with the Jewish people where ever they go and that helps brings more divine presence. Reply

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