
Spiritual Safety Warning

Exploring Rashi’s commentary on the warning not to enter the Holy of Holies

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Spiritual Safety Warning: Exploring Rashi’s commentary on the warning not to enter the Holy of Holies

Rashi presents two intriguing details on how Moses was to warn Aaron not to enter the Holy of Holies at the wrong time. The Rebbe shows us how Rashi is actually teaching a deeper lesson about how to balance high-level inspiration with practical application.
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Acharei-Kedoshim, Rashi, Acharei

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Michael Ettinger Nova Scotia April 28, 2018

It is not so obvious that there are two deaths, a physical & spiritual. If a Cohen died in the Holy of Holies, it was from a heart attack caused by fear of either his or the people's sins. God exists before time and space, seeing he needs neither to be. How does God move without time & space? From within to without, ending in the beginning as "I am alpha & Omega", one. The power of the increase is without end, as that which is increased, being God himself, expressing Himself as he is, from holiness through holiness, a state of Holy creation, Beriah. We are conductors of emotion, when placed near the increase of god's being, what we feel is transformed by God's power. Thus fear increases to dread, to holy terror at Godspeed, which is faster than light. As Einstein said time stops, which is the same as before time began. The soul becomes living lightning approaching the speed of light and dies eternal death in a snap. God is love but our fear is increased by the same power of that love Reply

Chana Brooklyn May 5, 2017

Yasher koach for a Geshamake sicha given over with your inimitable Chayus. I listened as I was preparing my Shabbos cuisine and it inspired and encouraged me! Reply

Ari Shishler September 2, 2016

Hi M Diane, you'e correct. Moses, in his final address to the Jewish people, instructs them to remember what G-d had done to Miriam after she spoke negatively of Moses. Reply

M Diane Queens, NY August 31, 2016

How about Miriam Why do I seem to recall that somebody is warned (by-God?) not to do what Miriam did if they did not want to suffer the same consequences as Miriam suffered. I looked but I could not find it. Perhaps I wrong about that? Reply

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