
Use Your Talents

Exploring Rashi’s commentary on the women’s unique weaving talent

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Use Your Talents: Exploring Rashi’s commentary on the women’s unique weaving talent

Two important lessons for life that Rashi derives from the production of the Mishkan: 1) Use your talents well; 2) Be kind to all.
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Faculties and Talents, Vayak'hel, Rashi, Vayak'hel-Pekudei

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Rabbi YY March 7, 2021

Rav Shisler,
So far, amazing, B"H (I'm in the middle).
I don't know how old this recording is, and please forgive me for asking, but isn't "toveh" better translated as "spinning" as in spinning wool into threads that will eventually be woven into the curtain covers? It was the spinning that took place on the goats, not the weaving?
Just want to be sure for a couple of reasons, one of which is that a person who is not so familiar with Loshon haKodesh might have a hard time visualizing an act of weaving performed on a live goat.
Thank you and yasher koach! Reply

Ari Shishler Sandton March 9, 2021
in response to Rabbi YY:

Thank you for both the positive feedback and the note on translation. You are absolutely right, "spinning" is the more accurate translation. Reply

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